Everything is connected, from RFID to Bluetooth to WiFi and everything in between
How can we leverage this in new applications?
We want to take advantage of all this available data
Many Devices
Tens of Billions and counting
Devices often very “thin"
Lack processing power, memory and battery life
Bandwidth Concerns
Data ain't cheap!!
Need to process as much as possible on the server
What's so difficult?
Scaling out
Much more difficult than scaling up
This requires a different architecture than a typical web application
Many different devices, different data streams, different information
We don't want a different core application per device type
What to do with all this data?!?
Big data needs big processing!
Replaying it for reprocessing
Many Emerging Architectures and Stacks
So what does this look like?
First... CAP Theorem
So what does this look like?
First... CAP Theorem (cont...)
Across different partitions/nodes. Every client has the same view.
Immediate not Eventual
The system is always available, responses are guaranteed.
Your queries are always executed.
Partition Tolerance
No single point of failure
Can handle a node disappearing
Replication across nodes
Lambda Architecture
Lambda Architecture (cont...)
Originally described by Nathan Marz, creator of Apache Storm
Claims to beat CAP theorem
Splits the application into three parts
Batch and Realtime layers for ingesting data
Serving layer for querying data
Events (incoming data) are time based
Immutable, append only
Series of Commands
No updates or deletes
Can replay the data
Lambda Architecture - Realtime Layer
Realtime layer handles new data
As accurate as possible, however the batch layer gives “the final answer"
CAP complexity is isolated into this layer, which now only applies to the latest subset of data
No need to worry about corrupting the data
Lambda Architecture - Batch Layer
Batch layer handles historical data
Queries in the realtime layer are recomputed after the data is persisted to the batch layer
Allows issues in the realtime layer to be corrected
More complex and involved computations, not time critical
Lambda Architecture - Serving Layer
The two “views” are merged together to give a final answer by the serving layer
Batch layer is indexed for querying
Many different options here depending on query use cases
Table/View per query?
Lambda Architecture - The good stuff
Fault Tolerant against both hardware and humans
Stores all input data unchanged, allowing for reprocessing
We do this in our Muvr application to re-categorise exercises with new models
Allows for a realtime view of the data, plus a more accurate higher latency view
Lambda Architecture - The bad stuff
Assumes accurate results can’t be computed real-time
Duplicates the transformation and computation logic (code) in both layers
More complex to debug as a result of the two discrete implementations
Data still not immediately consistent, hence doesn’t beat CAP theorem
Kappa Architecture
Kappa Architecture (cont...)
Coined by Jay Creps, formally of LinkedIn
Simplifies the Lambda architecture by removing the batch layer
Streams are capable of persisting the historical data
For example Kafka and Event Sourcing
The assumption is that stream processing is powerful enough to process and transform the data real-time
Processed data can then be stored in a table for querying
Kappa Architecture - Reprocessing
Start a second instance of the stream processor
Replay the data from the desired point in time
Output to a new table
Once complete, stop the original stream processor
Processed data can then be stored in a table for querying
Delete the old table
Kappa Architecture - The good stuff
Fault Tolerant against both hardware and humans
No need to maintain two separate code bases for the layers
Data only reprocessed when stream processing code has changed
Potentially reduced hosting costs
Many of the same advantages as the Lambda architecture
Kappa Architecture - The bad stuff
May be difficult / impossible to perform the computation on a large enough dataset
Stream window or stateful datasource / cache
Could introduce latency
Often you’ll need to decide on a small “window” of historical data
Might not be sufficient for complex Machine Learning
Quick summary
Streams eveywhere!!
Separating history from current (aggregated) data
Denormalised output data
Input format doesn’t need to match output format
Immutability means Non-destructive writes
Not new ideas, just a different way of thinking about them
Enforce a company wide data format for messages early on
Muvr use case
Originally used classic Lambda
Akka cluster for speed layer
One Actor per user
CQRS and (Akka) Event Sourcing
Spark (ML) batch layer
Trains the classifiers
Muvr use case - revised
Simply no good in production!
Latency too high
Too sensitive to network
Required always on connectivity
We had to move the speed layer onto the device
Or rather split it between server and device
Fast, distributed data processing and analytics engine
Cluster resource management solution providing resource isolation and sharing across distributed systems
Actor based JVM framework for building highly scalable, concurrent distributed message-driven applications
Highly available, distributed, scalable database designed to handle huge amounts of data across multiple data centers
A high-throughput, low-latency distributed stream based messaging system designed to handle and persist events
Apache Spark
Apache Spark™ is a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing, with built-in modules for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing
Originally developed by Berkeley’s AMP Lab in 2009
Open sourced as part of Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS) in 2010
Top level apache project since 2014
Who uses Spark
Why Spark
Contributers from over 200 companies
One of the most active open source projects
IBM will invest roughly $300 million over the next few years and assign 3500 people to help develop Spark
Why Spark (cont...)
Easy to develop
Flexible, composable programming model
Provides Spark Shell
APIs for Scala, Java and Python
Fast and Scalable!
Optimised storage between memory and disk
Scales from a single laptop to a large cluster
Up to 10x-100x faster than Hadoop
Feature Rich
Supports Event Streaming Applications
Efficient support for Machine Learning
Modular architecture
Spark usage scenarios
On demand querying of large datasets
Batch processing
Machine Learning
Stream Processing
Data Transformations
Graph processing
Interactive Shells
Extended Scala REPL with Spark imports already in scope
Used to submit jobs (JARs) to the cluster
Python shell
Spark Stack
Spark Jobs
Spark Cluster Overview
Each transformation will create a new RDD
A DAG (directed acyclic graph) of computation is constructed
The actual data is processed only when an action is invoked
Can re-use RDDs by executing them multiple times
RDD Partitions
RDD Tasks
RDD Operations
RDD operations are split into two distinct categories
Returns a new RDD which will apply the transformation
Can merge multiple RDDs into a new RDD (union)
map, filter, flatMap, mapPartitions, join
Force evaluation of the transformations
Return a final value to the driver program or write data to an external storage system.
reduce, collect, count, saveAs**, foreach
RDD Lineage
Each operation on an RDD creates a new RDD, with the previous operation as part of it's history.
A lost RDD partition is reconstructed from ancestors
By default the whole RDD lineage is executed when an action is invoked
We can avoid this by caching (persisting) at various stages
Basic Word Count
First add the imports and create the SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
//Create a conf, running on two local cores
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Simple Application")
//* will use all cores
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
Basic Word Count (cont...)
We can now create an RDD from our SparkContext, we can then transform the RDD and execute it
val input: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("words.txt")
// Split up into words.
val words = input.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
val counts = words
//pair each word with 1
.map(word => (word, 1))
//combine all matching words
.reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x + y}
// Save the word count back out to a text file.
toDebugString lets us print out the RDD lineage for debugging
(2) ShuffledRDD[4] at reduceByKey at BasicWordCount.scala:25 []
+-(2) MapPartitionsRDD[3] at map at BasicWordCount.scala:24 []
| MapPartitionsRDD[2] at flatMap at BasicWordCount.scala:19 []
| MapPartitionsRDD[1] at textFile at BasicWordCount.scala:14 []
| words.txt HadoopRDD[0] at textFile at BasicWordCount.scala:14 []
Spark’s “stages” job console. Started by the SparkContext.
For Spark Standalone clusters, the Spark Master.
For Spark slave nodes
We can view all jobs since the SparkContext was started
Clicking on a job displays more fine grained details
The lineage graph is really useful for debugging
Spark Streaming Intro
High-throughput streaming from live events
Run event based computations and update data in real-time
Spark Streaming Intro (cont...)
Data is grouped into batch windows for processing
The "batch interval" is configurable
Spark provides a high level abstraction called a discretized stream or DStream
A DStream is a continuous sequence of RDDs
Each micro batch of data is an RDD
Each RDD has lineage and fault tolerance
Transformations similar to those on normal RDDs are applicable
There are many additional transformations and output operations that are only applicable to discretized streams
Basic Stream Printer
First lets add the imports and create a StreamingContext
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Streaming Word Count")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1))
val context = ssc.sparkContext
Basic Stream Printer (cont...)
Next we need to define the receiver, here we're using a queue
//We're using a mutable queue with 3 items
val rddQueue: Queue[RDD[String]] = Queue()
rddQueue += context.textFile("words.txt")
rddQueue += context.textFile("words2.txt")
rddQueue += context.textFile("words3.txt")
Basic Stream Printer (cont...)
Finally we can read, parse and start the stream
val streamBatches: InputDStream[String] =
ssc.queueStream(rddQueue, oneAtATime = true)
val words = streamBatches.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val pairs = words.map(word => (word, 1))
val wordCounts = pairs.reduceByKey(_ + _)
//print the first 10 elements of each batch
//Start the stream and wait for it to terminate
Basic Stream Printer output
Time: 1452128900000 ms
Time: 1452128901000 ms
Stateful Stream Printer
Lets extend this example by persisting the state between batches
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1))
// We need somewhere to store the state
// So we create a checkout directory
//Create a stream using a Dummy Receiver
val stream: ReceiverInputDStream[String] =
new DummySource(ratePerSec = 1))
// Parse the stream words and pair them up
val wordDStream =
stream.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map(x => (x, 1))
Stateful Stream Printer (cont...)
We need to define a function to combine batches
def stateMappingFunc(batchTime: Time, key: String,
value: Option[Int], state: State[Long]
): Option[(String, Long)] = {
val currentVal = value.getOrElse(0).toLong
val aggVal = state.getOption.getOrElse(0L)
val sum = currentVal + aggVal
val output = (key, sum)
val stateSpec = StateSpec
.function(stateMappingFunc _)
Stateful Stream Printer (cont...)
Finally merge the states using the function and start the stream
// apply the function returning a merged stream
val wordCountStateStream =
//Print the first 10 records of the stream
Stateful Stream Printer Output
Time: 1452011283000 ms
Time: 1452011284000 ms
Windowed DStreams
Can compute results based on data in multiple batches
Known as window(ed) transformations
Carried over multiple batches in a sliding window
Specify the window length and sliding interval
Twitter Hashtag Counter
This time we're consuming from the live Twitter API
//Receive all tweets unfiltered
val stream: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] =
TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
//Split tweets into words
val words = stream.flatMap(tweet =>
tweet.getText.toLowerCase.split(" "))
//Pull out the hashtags
val hashtags = words
.filter(word => word.startsWith("#"))
Twitter Hashtag Counter
We want to count all tweets in the last 60 seconds
val tagCountsOverWindow = hashtags
.map((_, 1))
//60 second window
.reduceByKeyAndWindow(_ + _, Seconds(60))
val sortedTagCounts = tagCountsOverWindow
//Swap the key and value to make sorting easier
.map { case (hashtag, count) => (count, hashtag) }
//Print the Top 10
Twitter Hashtag Counter Output
Time: 1452124409000 ms
Time: 1452124411000 ms
Spark on Cassandra
Deployment on Cassandra
Spark Cassandra Connector
Lets you expose Cassandra tables as Spark RDDs, write Spark RDDs to Cassandra tables, and execute CQL queries in your Spark applications
Open sourced by Datastax, not DSE specific
Spark partitions are constructed from data stored by Cassandra on the same node
Partitions are not computed until an action is seen
Cassandra Aware Partitioning
Cassandra Aware Partitioning (cont...)
Nodes in the Cassandra Cluster own part of the token range
Spark connector keeps track of where all these live
These ranges are then mapped to Spark partitions
So each Spark partition knows which C* node it's data is on
The Spark driver & executor can therefore assign the task to the appropriate node
Processing local data is faster!!
Cassandra Stream Word Count
First we need the appropriate imports and create the context
import com.datastax.spark.connector.SomeColumns
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector
import com.datastax.spark.connector.streaming._
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Twitter HashTag Counter")
//We need to specify the Cassandra host
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1))
Cassandra Stream Word Count (cont...)
Next we parse the and filter the tweets
//Receive all tweets unfiltered
val stream: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] =
TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
//Split tweets into words
val words = stream.flatMap(tweet =>
tweet.getText.toLowerCase.split(" "))
//Pull out the hashtags and map them to a count
val hashtags = words.filter(word =>
Cassandra Stream Word Count (cont...)
We can now count the words and write the data to Cassandra
//We need to define a case class
case class HashTagCount(
hashtag: String, count: Long)
//This is exactly the same as the map -> reduce
//map to the case class
.map(rdd => HashTagCount(rdd._1, rdd._2))
//save the stream to Cassandra
.saveToCassandra("spark", "wordcount")